How to beat up "self-proclaimed" feminists

〜an introduction to feminism for men who think "feminism is horsecrap"〜

Target Readers

This article is intended for many men who think that feminism is nonsense.

I didn't assume women as the readers of this article, but your opinions are extremely important from the viewpoint of considering the validity of this text.
I would like to hear frank opinions from you, too.

Purpose of this Article

This article is intended to demonstrate that the feminism is an idea that is extremely advantageous to men as well as women, and to maximize the number of male feminists.

Definitions of Feminists

I am going to give you a definition of "self-proclaimed" feminists, who are the protagonist of this story.

Definition of "Self-Proclaimed" Feminists are those who acknowledge themselves as "feminists", but express their hatred against men as whole.

They are actually what we often call misandrists.

Many of the "self-proclaimed" feminists are "misandrists", and not "feminists".
Actually, there are some "misandrists" who are also "feminists", but in the context of this article, such "misandrists" are included in the self-proclaimed feminists.

For example, those who have ideas like this are those we call the self-proclaimed feminists:

・It's natural for women to hate men, because women have been persecuted, dishonored, and exploited by men for a long time in the history.
・Women are obviously superior to men.
・Men should be doomed. The human race can survive without men (only egg cells are needed to create a life).

Many of you might have believed that the "feminists" are like the self-proclaimed feminists I described above.

However, I think that the "feminism" has been originally based on a wonderful philosophy.

There are so many definitions of "feminism", but I prepared one by composing them for the male readers.

Definition of "Feminists"
There are amazingly wide varieties of differences between men and women, and it is extremely difficult to identify each one of them.
However, those who are willing to correct their preconception every time they realized they have one (regardless of whether they are self-aware of their willingness), based on the understanding of their differences, are all "feminists".
The feminists have an intention to realize a world where all men and women are given the equal rights and opportunities in the political, economical, and social aspects of their life.

You might have thought, "Hey, you can't do that. Making up you own definition?", but let's think about it.

We have too many different ideas about even real basic stuff, like the definition of who women are.

Because this is the case, the feminists basically believe that there should be a diversity in the feminist theory itself.

Importantly, there is no one in the world, who can perfectly understand what the feminism is.
This means that we all have some kind of prejudice against men and women.

I believe what is important in this reality is to have an imagination that allows us to recognize the possibility of us being wrong, and willingness to correct ourselves when we are wrong.

Preface to Preface (Why do we need to beat up the self-proclaimed feminists?)

The feminists should stand firmly against the self-proclaimed feminists.
Specifically, I think it's important for them to clarify that the self-proclaimed feminist are really not the feminists.

It is because the segregationism of the self-proclaimed feminists obstructs the realization of the world feminism is trying to realize.

As mentioned earlier, the feminists are trying to realize a world where all men and women are given the equal rights and opportunities in the political, economical, and social aspects of their life.
Obviously, this objective cannot be achieved with the power of the women alone, and it's essential to have men's understandings and their support.

Of course, the attitudes taken by the self-proclaimed feminists are only harmful to men.
There is no one in the world who is willing to accept any idea that is only harmful to them.

Preface (The reason why this page is titled as How to Beat up "Self-Proclaimed" Feminists)

Before I start, let me explain my intention for using such an agitating title.

I did this because a vast majority of men are not interested in feminism, to begin with.

One of the reasons that the men feel that they might lose something, because "feminism" appears to be something for women.
Another reason is that the feminism started as "the actions against men, by women who are oppressed by men".

I hope you female readers not to be disturbed by me saying this, but to be honest with you, female-specific problems are none of our business, for us who are men.

You may say, "No way! We are suffering so much! You can't be so uninterested!!".

I really understand how you feel, but let's cool down a little bit.

For us men, not only women, but also those have severe mental illness, those who are physically disabled, refugees, and those who are suffering from extreme poverty, are all our peer humans with problems we need to address.
But each of us has limited time and power to address these big issues.

Under such a circumstance, it is not "natural" for women to demand men to give a top priority to the understanding of their problem.

Let's then go back to the title of the article.

As you might know, now, an incredible number of men have bitter feeling against the feminists.

At a first glance, this might appear as a bad situation for the feminists, but if we give it another perspective, it might be a great chance for them to create their ideal world.

It's because the men, who have been completely uninterested in feminism, are now very interested in it (though it is based on antipathy).
Men DO care about the segregationistic ideas of the self-proclaimed feminists.

Therefore, I thought it is a good idea to turn them into the feminists by considering how the feminism should be, from this perspective. That is the reason why I chose this title.

Introduction (Basic Ideas of Feminism)

I think there are many of you who don't really know about the feminism, so I will explain basic ideas of the feminism, using three specific examples.

Example 1: Isn't Feminism Disadvantageous to Men?

I believe that the feminism brings men a huge advantage, based on the following two reasons.

First of all, companies that hire women as well as men can have so much better human resources compared to those hiring only men.
Because the number of candidate is simply doubled, it's more likely for the company to become more competitive in the future.
There are no difference in the intellectual capabilities of men and women.
If organizations cannot leverage only the intellectual capabilities of men, we have to say that such organization are handicapped from the start.

Secondly, a half of the consumers are women.
For example, those who make decisions of purchases, such as those of groceries, clothing, daily necessities, or children's goods, are women.
Therefore, it is essential for companies to develop marketing campaigns and products for attracting women.
Hence, it can make a quite big difference if the women are involved in their developments.

Example 2: Is It Bad Thing to Have Preconception About Women? (e.g., Women are sweet, or better at being married, and doing house chores and child-rearing than working.)

No, it isn't a bad thing.

Everyone makes this kind of judgement, to begin with.
When we meet people for the first time, it is very important for us to make some kind of prediction about their interests, preferences, or characteristics, based on our past experiences or knowledge.

However, it is also important to doubt that these judgements might be created by someone else.

For example, the protagonists in Hollywood movies are mostly men.
This fact may serve to make many people believe that "men are better".
If you think a little, it shouldn't be difficult to imagine that there are women who love to work, or who are not good at house chores.

It is inevitable for people to have some kind of preconceptions, but we should always be doubtful about its validity.

For example, if you show some videos to one-year old children, boys tend to become more interested in cars than people who are talking, but conversely, girls tend to be more attracted to the talking people.

Furthermore, there are some observations about playing children, showing that boys tend to get into conflicts with one another fifty times more than girls do, and girls tend to take turn twenty times more than boys do.

In this manner, it is for sure that, in reality, there are some kind of tendencies that are seemingly attributable to the gender differences.

However, we should be aware that "gender differences" we often believe in are merely rooted in our bias.

For example, up to 1970s, it was believed that hard sports such as marathons are not suitable for women.
Therefore, back them many women could not become marathon runners for a "reasonable" reason that "marathons are not suitable for women".
However, as studies of sport medicines develops, it has become more clear that female physiques are more suitable for sports such as a long-distance race.

Example 3: Is It Wrong for Organizations to Hire Men at Higher Priority, When It Is Statistically Clear That Period of Employment Is Shorter for Women Because of Their Marriage or Child-Birth?

This is one of the articles in the Equal Employment Opportunity Act in Japan:
"Article 5 With regard to the recruitment and employment of workers, employers shall provide equal opportunities for all persons regardless of sex."

Therefore, it is, of course, against the law in Japan to clearly state that "we hire men at a higher priority!"

However, when a company puts an ad saying that they are recruiting both men and women but has no intention to hire women, it does not constitute any infringement of the law.
Therefore, companies can include sex as a standard for determining whether to hire someone or not.

Based on the above, it cannot be said that it is wrong to hire men at a higher priority. Because Japan is a nation governed by laws, any actions are legitimate as long as they do not constitute an infringement of a law.

However, there is a big problem in it.

Any judgements made for the best interest of a company (being the best on the appearance, at least) could have a negative impact on the society as a whole, and the company could end up suffering from a loss.

The easiest example is the environmental destructions.
If we act only on our own interests, giving no consideration to the environmental burdens, you may be able to enjoy a short-term gain but eventually everyone suffers from a damage.

If every company seeks only for a short-term gain by hiring men at a higher priority, and the society fails to leverage the potential of women as a whole, the society might end up suffering from a big loss, someday.

Discussion (How to Beat Up "Self-Proclaimed" Feminists)

Finally, we are getting into the main point.
Basically what I wanted to tell you has been already told in the above discussion.

However, because some of you might reading this article because you want to beat up the self-proclaimed feminists, I am going to mention how to do it briefly.

To begin with, the feminists should stand firmly against the self-proclaimed feminists, and keep emphasizing that the self-proclaimed feminists are not same as the feminists.

I believe that it's enough to do to act against the self-proclaimed feminists.

Maybe there are many men who are annoyed by discriminating words and actions made by the self-proclaimed feminists.

However, the self-proclaimed feminist are not only those who become the obstruct for the feminism.

In fact, there are so many male versions of the self-proclaimed feminists.

・Men are (physically and mentally) superior to women.

This is just reversal of the self-proclaimed feminists, but I am sure you soon realize that there are so many people who think this way.

Of course, the ideas claimed by the self-proclaimed feminists are problematic, but I am sure that the male version of the "self-proclaimed" feminists, what is called misogynists, is also problematic.

If you want to beat up the self-proclaimed feminists, you should be willing to beat up many men, who are near you, blindly believing that men are superior to women.

You might then realize that you might be on the side to be beaten up.

In the light of an ideal, we are shallow beings who always misunderstand things and make mistakes.
You may be trying to create a better world, but the attempt itself may be destroying the original intention.

If, someday, we foolish humans are to succeed in creating an ideal world, it might be when we humans become able to forgive and accept one another, in the way as we are now, being so imperfect.


Emma Watson's Speech at UN in 2014

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Martin Luther King, Jr.
"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people."

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1. Girl-learn-to-be-you
[2021/02/03 15:23:54 JST(UTC+09:00)]

The article is directed to people who think feminism is 'nonsense', so no matter what I say here or disagree, I would be included automatically in this article because of this targeting, such a trap, but anyway, I'm going to give a fair response anyway.

It does not specify if it's for Western, East, or only Japan, it has some western references, some Japanese references, I don't have idea, however I'll take the general take and respond from that.

- Definition of Feminist

Feminism wasn't only one take, it happened multiple times in multiple places, we had the first wave, then the second, then the third, you may consider right now as a new wave, or maybe not. Feminists of different waves disagreed and agreed on different issues, some did go further than others, some did step back, some are the definition of 'feminism' that you put here, but it doesn't matter. It's impossible to redefine feminism like you did here, this is just revisionism for history, the definition that you wrote is just common sense, or at least, it should be. It's being a good person, a humble person, someone with dignity. This is your definition of Feminism? It shouldn't be, Feminism isn't that, it's an ideology.

> First of all, companies that hire women as well as men can have so much better human resources compared to those hiring only men.

Do you believe that exists companies that only hire men because they only want men in their company? Construct companies, for example?

2. Girl-learn-to-be-you
[2021/02/03 15:25:06 JST(UTC+09:00)]

I don't want to spam your page, nor anything like that, but I really need to complete what I want to say:

> Secondly, a half of the consumers are women.

Not for every company.

> For example, the protagonists in Hollywood movies are mostly men.
> This fact may serve to make many people believe that "men are better".

I don't believe many men know this fact and/or even care about it in the first place. Why should they? It seems so unrealistic that in Las Vegas, California you would have female gender issues in contracts, I think exactly the opposite.

> back them many women could not become marathon runners for a "reasonable" reason that "marathons are not suitable for women".

Don't make Mavis Hutchison disappear from history, please.

3. Fully Hatter
[2021/02/03 20:05:40 JST(UTC+09:00)]

> Girl-learn-to-be-you
Thank you for your serious comments.
First of all, this article was written in Japanese for Japanese people, and here is a translation of it.
Therefore, the content of this page may not be accurate in US, Europe or many other countries.

"..., some are the definition of 'feminism' that you put here, but it doesn't matter. It's impossible to redefine feminism like you did here, ... This is your definition of Feminism? It shouldn't be, Feminism isn't that, it's an ideology."

I don't think the history and ideas of feminism are important.

Feminism is a tool for realizing "the ideal world of feminism (the world where all men and women are given the equal rights and opportunities in the political, economical, and social aspects of their life)".
If the ideal world can be realized, feminism is no longer necessary. If we can realize the ideal world by losing feminism, I believe we should gladly abandon feminism.

And, I don't care if feminism can be defined or not.

The important point is not the correctness, coherence, or logical correctness of the history and ideas of feminism, but rather how to realize "the ideal world".

Looking at this problem from that perspective, the idea of ​​whether feminism can be defined is not really important.
Rather, we should think about which one can realize "the ideal world", with or without definition.

I believe that defining feminism is more likely to realize it.

The best way to achieve "the ideal world" is to make many men feminists, and the definition of feminism is more convenient for that.
(Without a definition, we cannot point out missandlists who pretend to be a feminist as "non-feminist".)

"Do you believe that exists companies that only hire men because they only want men in their company?"

There are so many Japanese companies that want to hire more men than women.

"(a half of the consumers are women is) Not for every company."

You are correct. But it is true in total.

"I don't believe many men know this fact (the protagonists in Hollywood movies are mostly men) and/or even care about it in the first place."

Some people may be as you pointed out.

"Don't make Mavis Hutchison disappear from history, please."

If "the ideal world" had been realized, there might have been three "Mavis Hutchison" in the world.

4. Girl-learn-to-be-you
[2021/02/03 23:14:02 JST(UTC+09:00)]

Thank you for you response, I don't want make your day busy or anything, so I'm going to give a quick reply.

"Therefore, the content of this page may not be accurate in US, Europe or many other countries."
Then you can remove half of what I said.

"If the ideal world can be realized, feminism is no longer necessary. If we can realize the ideal world by losing feminism, I believe we should gladly abandon feminism."
Such a tremendous action, but the ideal world is exactly that, an ideal world. Nothing less, nothing more, it doesn't mean we can achieve it, and we will never will, because Feminism is type-tool ideology, it will ask for more things within the future, it won't achieve equality, it will suppress it, Feminism all around the world is being like that in the Postmodern era, the question is: will it be like that in Japan, too?

"The best way to achieve "the ideal world" is to make many men feminists, and the definition of feminism is more convenient for that."
Your definition? Instead of redefining Feminism, would you be able to redefine Fascism? Nazism? Communism? See, I'm not comparing Feminism with those ideologies, I'm talking about history, get any 'ism' and give a new meaning, nobody likes that, it's pure revisionism of the past.

"If "the ideal world" had been realized, there might have been three "Mavis Hutchison" in the world. "
If the ideal world had been realized, there might have been no Mavis Hutchison at all.

5. Fully Hatter
[2021/02/04 21:30:54 JST(UTC+09:00)]

> Girl-learn-to-be-you
As I wrote in the body of the article, my definition of feminism is as follows.

< Fully Hatter's definition of "Feminists" >
There are amazingly wide varieties of differences between men and women, and it is extremely difficult to identify each one of them.
However, those who are willing to correct their preconception every time they realized they have one (regardless of whether they are self-aware of their willingness), based on the understanding of their differences, are all "feminists".
The feminists have an intention to realize a world where all men and women are given the equal rights and opportunities in the political, economical, and social aspects of their life.

What I want to say is that feminism is a wonderful idea, so everyone should be a feminist.
If you think the ideal world of feminism is crap, I have nothing to add to it.

Comment here, and Fully Hatter will reply with affection.

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